Choosing the right university

We highly recommend that students choose their course and choose their right university. There are few things the student should ensure before selecting the right course at the right universities such as course curriculum, student satisfactory level at the specific university, university ranking, location, work placement, etc. After selecting the universities, they should now check individual universities, and students meet the entry requirements which are mentioned by the university on the website. 

To select the university, students can use the UCAS Website.  

To check the university ranking students can either check Timers Higher EducationQS world University Ranking

To check the university rating, satisfactory rate, etc, prospective students are advised to visit Discover Uni.

Preparing required documents

After selecting the course & University, students should prepare all the necessary documents to make an application to the University. List of documents are as follows:

  • Passport
  • All academic Transcript (Up to current year)
  • All academic Certificate (Up to current year)
  • Resume (Up to date)
  • IELTS Certificate (UKVI preferable) (see the eligibility of your desire degree)
  • Personal Statement (For the required course and University)
  • Reference details/Letter (at least 1 for Undergraduate and 2 for the postgraduate applicant)
  • Translation copy for each document if the document is in not English (Affidavit)
  • Financial Evidence (Bank statement & Bank Solvency certificate- Up-to-date- must meet the UKBA Tier 4 regulation)(see the details below)

To find out more details, please click the link below to get to know more details:–Advice/Visas-and-Immigration/Tier-4-eligibility-and-requirements#layer-5347

Offer letter:  Once we make an application, there will be 3 outcomes from that application. 

  1. Conditional offer letter (Place will be offered based on conditions like pass the Pre-CAS Interview; Providing additional documentation based on the university & course requirements)

Pre-CAS Interview: After getting the conditional offer, some universities will ask the student to sit for a Pre-CAS interview to check the student’s aspiration and whether that fits with the criteria they are looking for. Pre-CAS interviews are held by the university admission department and the interview will be held through skype. The Complete interview session can be 30-45minutes long and asks questions related to the student’s previous academic qualifications, why this university, why this course, how they are going to meet the financial requirements, who will sponsor the cost etc. To have a better understanding of the Pre-CAS interview, please click the link to watch a full Pre-CAS interview.

  1. Unconditional offer letter: No condition apply, next step will be accepting the offer and pay the minimum deposit to the University to get the CAS letter
  2. Reject: University has evaluated your profile but unfortunately, they won’t be able to place an offer for the student- it doesn’t mean a student can’t apply for the UK, they will be able to apply for other universities

Issuing CAS Letter: After completing the Pre-Cas interview, if the students pass the interview or after getting the unconditional letter, students will be asked to pay the deposit money to the university Bank account. After completing the Payment, University will issue the CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance for studies) letter. The CAS letter will have all the necessary information for the Visa office which is evidence that you are applying for a UK student Visa. Without the CAS letter, no student can’t make a Visa application. 

Medical Test:  AAs soon as, a student pays the deposit to the Universities, they can book their Medical Tuberculosis test (TB test). TB test is required for the international students to apply for Visa and that needs to be submitted during the VISA application. To find out the UKBA approved TB test center in your country, please click the link and select your country to get the details:

Financial requirements:  

The Home Office uses fixed amounts, which may or may not reflect your actual living costs. 

For study in London, you need £1,265 for each month of your course, up to a maximum of nine months. This means that if you will be studying in London for a course that lasts one month only, the amount that you will need is £1,265. If you will be studying in London for a course lasting nine months or more, the amount that you will need is £11,385. If you are not sure whether you will be studying in London, ask your Tier 4 sponsor.

For study elsewhere in the UK, the monthly amounts are lower: you need £1,015 for each month of your course, up to £9,135 for a course lasting nine months or more.

Note: This amount is only applicable if you have fully paid your 1st-year cost of tuition fees. For example, if your tuition fees are £14000 for a year and you have paid the deposit to the University £5000, the remaining balance in the statement should be as follows:

Inside the London: £11385+(14000-5000) = £20,385

Outside of the London: £9135+(14000-5000) = £18,135

As we all know, Currency exchange rates always fluctuate. Therefore, make sure whatever amount you have in your bank statement, that doesn’t go below that specific amount. To check the currency exchange rate, please click the link: :

For further information, regarding the UK financial requirement for Student visa purpose, please click the following link:

Health Surcharge:  The Most important part before making a visa application is paying Health Surcharge known as IHS fees. Students need to pay their IHS fees even before applying for the Visa as the IHS fees payment receipt and IHS charge number need to be provided during the VISA application time. 

To know about how much you have to pay your IHS surcharge, 

 please click this link:

To calculate how much you have to pay for your IHS fees, please click here:

To pay the IHS surcharge fees,please click here:

Visa application:  Once all the steps are complete above, the final stage is to make a Visa application. Please check if you require a UK visa or not. To find out click the link:

For a Visa application, there will be 2 different applications students have to make. 1 is to make a visa application online. You can find the link here and follow the instructions: 

2nd is after making the application attend an interview, you should book an appointment to your country nearest VFS center to enrol your Biometric fingerprint and photograph and you have to provide your documents hard copy during this session. To find a nearest suitable Visa application center click here:

Visa application cost: If you apply from outside the UK it will cost you around £348 and for inside the UK, it will cost you around £475. 

There will be 2 options available to apply inside from the UK. To know more click the link below:

For More further information, please visit the link here:

What will happen entering to the UK:

You will be asked and checked by the Border agency. To find information, please click the link

Collecting Biometric Resident permit:

Once your visa is issued there will be a really short period of expiry date visa which will be attached in your passport. Therefore, you have to travel to the UK, before your temporary visa expires. Once you arrive in the UK, you have to collect your Biometric Residence permit card from the UK either from a nearest post office or from the University. To find out how to collect Biometric Card and what to do, please click the link:

What you can bring to the UK:

Please click the link below to find out what you can bring to the UK and procedures to avoid any inconvenient circumstances.